Our team can schedule sessions to meet your family’s needs. We prefer to meet with small groups of students for once or twice each week. This pace fosters a connected feeling among the students and maintains continuity in the learning. Our sessions with individual students are 45 minutes long, enough to get some solid work in and leave the student wanting more. Group sessions are 1 hour in length so that each student has enough air time and to accommodate the additional time needed for group discussion.
Scheduling is flexible based on the needs of the group and the availability of the teacher.
Our tuition rates for individuals and small groups are as follows:
Group Size | Tuition Rate |
Small Group (2-4 students) | $60 per student per session |
Individual | $100 per student per session |
For more information, please contact us at mathminds1234@gmail.com .

This fifth grade student wanted to find the cost of filling a gas tank with 9.52 gallons at $2.09 per gallon.
To solve 2.09*9.52, he used his understanding of fractions and decimals to rewrite the factors as fractions because they were more familiar and easier for him to work with.
He transferred his understanding of how to use a place value strategy when multiplying multi-digit whole numbers to this mixed number multiplication problem. He shows this clearly with an are model diagram.
To deepen his understanding of the connections between fraction, whole, and decimal multiplication, we connected his work with fractions back to the original decimal number multiplication in our follow up discussion.